Friday, February 27, 2009

Nasi goreng vs. Spaghetti

I've been meaning to write this since last night but the internet connection sucked at my place so here I am writing from the office.

I was at this mall for dinner, decided to have a chicken spaghetti in the food court. I ordered the spaghetti and iced tea, and wait for 10 minutes until the waitress came and said that it took at least 20 minutes to prepare the spaghetti. Since my digestive system was not working properly, I decided to change the order into something quicker, nasi goreng. Off course, I talked to the waitress with a not very friendly voice and expression, hoped that he would feel sorry, which I wasn't sure he actually would. Well anyway, the nasi goreng came in 5 minutes, and I started to eat.

That nasi goreng, was the best I've ever had in this city.

I think that maybe in life, we're sometimes given the same circumstance, the same choices, more than just a nasi goreng over a spaghetti. We wanted spaghetti so bad, we hated nasi goreng, but finally what's best is nasi goreng. The thing is, we don't always know which one is nasi goreng, and which one is spaghetti. And we tend to react not very well when we face the nasi goreng.

Lesson is (hopefully) learned last night. Now I'm trying to take thing as it is. Thinking that every disappointment I earned is just another form of nasi goreng. And someday I'll find out that it really is a nasi goreng.

And today, I went to the same place, ordered the spaghetti as I intented last night. And that, ladies and gentlemen, was the worst spaghetti I've ever had. Seriously.

Friday, February 20, 2009

14 Februari

Terlepas dari penting atau tidaknya merayakan hari kasih sayang (nggak usah dibahas juga ya, basi), secara tidak sengaja kita pasti mengingat apa yang kita lakukan di hari dimana warna pink menodai mall-mall dan pusat keramaian. Saya punya kegiatan yang saya ingat pernah menjadi bagian dari aktivitas 14 februari, misalnya:

Beberapa teman SMA saya menjual paket valentine: 2 tiket nonton+1 mawar merah+1foto bareng pasangan untuk pasangan-pasangan di SMA saya. Saya sih jomblo, tapi ada salah satu teman lelaki (yang pastinya penggemar saya :P) yang mengajak saya ikutan. Berhubung saya gampangan, jadi ya hayo aja, malah bela-belain bolos les bahasa inggris LIA demi acara valentine itu hihihi. Filmnya Good Will Hunting, di Metropolitan 21, yang diwarnai aksi lempar pop corn karena kami menguasai hampir separoh ruang studio. Pulangnya, sesi foto pasangan dilakukan di... eng ing eng.. eskalator yang sedang berjalan! Jadi kalau fotonya gagal, terpaksa naik lagi ke atas untuk kemudian turun eskalator lagi hihihi. Lucu banget untuk diingat.

Tahun pertama kuliah, sedang membangun hubungan akrab dengan teman-teman mahasiswi yang jumlahnya cuman 12 dari 110 orang dan semuanya jomblowati! Jadi saya berkumpul dengan beberapa wanita kesepian di salah satu kos-kosan, makan coklat membabi buta, dan foto-foto nggak jelas. Kemudian kami berikrar bahwa semester 5 harus sudah tidak menjomblo lagi, alhamdulillah buat saya mah kesampaian hehehe.

Saya kentut seharian.
Penyakit maag membuat perut saya kembung sekembung2nya dan mengeluarkan gas2 beracun melalui kentut dan sendawa. Korbannya adalah adik saya yang awalnya sabar tapi lama-lama dia menyerah dan mengungsi ke teras belakang rumah. Love you sis! :)

Thursday, February 05, 2009

kopi pahit

Pernah minum kopi nggak pake gula? Saya sih belum pernah. Tapi saya yakin rasanya pahit. Tapi lagi, saya juga yakin tulisan di bawah ini jauh lebih pahit.

I like to think that somewhere out there, on a planet exactly like ours, two people exactly like you and me made totally different choices and that, somewhere, we're still together.
That's enough for me.

Taken from this blog, officially my daily favorite now.