When I'm sick, I'm an ass.
Don't ask me to laugh on your joke because I don't even want to smile.
Don't ask me to send an email because I don't even want to look at the computer.
Don't ask me to write because I don't even want to hold a pen.
Don't ask me to text because I don't even want to touch my cellphone.
Don't ask me to drive because I don't even want to sit.
I'm not asking for anything.
Just let me be sick and be an ass.
Because that's me when I'm sick.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Sebuah Tribut untuk Peminum Kopi
Setelah sekian lama menjadi peminum kopi, akhirnya sebuah merk kopi terkenal di dunia meluncurkan suatu produk yang merupakan tribut untuk saya. Biji kopi yang digunakan juga special mereka import dari Sumatera, Indonesia, yang merupakan tanah kelahiran saya. Kerennya lagi, produk ini termasuk ke dalam premium coffee yang belum tentu akan dijual di Jakarta. Untung sahabat baik saya yang tinggal di UK segera mengabari tentang kehadiran si produk unggulan ini. Karena untuk sementara baru dilaunching di UK, maka insya Allah saya baru berkesempatan mencicipi "kopi saya" awal tahun depan saat kepulangan si sahabat ke tanah air. I'm so coming to airport dude!
Ada lagi yang mau nyobain "kopi saya"? ;)

Saturday, September 13, 2008
Sukses Besar
Sukses Kecil = (Strategi + Kompetensi + Aksi )
Sukses Besar = (Strategi + Kompetensi + Aksi ) x Doa
Sukses besar menggunakan hukum distribusi, dimana setiap komponen dikali dengan doa.
-Ceramah ramadhan Bapak Syafii Antonio di mesjid kompleks. He's brilliant.-
Sukses Besar = (Strategi + Kompetensi + Aksi ) x Doa
Sukses besar menggunakan hukum distribusi, dimana setiap komponen dikali dengan doa.
-Ceramah ramadhan Bapak Syafii Antonio di mesjid kompleks. He's brilliant.-
Friday, September 05, 2008
I Google You
Baru nemu lagu yang lucu banget. Mengingatkan pada kisah pribadi yang tragis. Saat kasih tak sampai, seringkali saya terperosok dalam lembah google dimana saya mendapati diri saya meng-google nama dia yang tak mungkin dimiliki huehehe.. Pathetic ya?
Untuk teman ber-pathetic ria seperti ini, saya langsung tau harus menghubungi siapa: mantan partner jaman kuliah. Begitu saya kasihtau lirik ini, dia langsung bereaksi sama dengan saya: whoaaa.. gw banget nih!
Btw untuk saya sendiri, kata-kata "google" di lagu ini terkadang bisa disubstitusikan dengan "friendster", "facebook", atau "gmail". Siapa bilang teknologi tidak bisa romantis? :)
Hahahah.. enjoy the song only, not the tragic story! :)
I Google you
late at night when I don’t know what to do
I find photos
you’ve forgotten
you were in
put up by your friends
I Google you
when the day is done and everything is through
I read your journal
that you kept
that month in France
I’ve watched you dance
And I’m pleased your name is practically unique
it’s only you and
a would-be PhD in Chesapeake
who writes papers on
the structure of the sun
I’ve read each one
I know that I
should let you fade
but there’s that box
and there’s your name
somehow it never makes the pain
grow less or fade or disappear
I think that I should save my soul and
I should crawl back in my hole
But it’s too easy just to fold
and type your name again
I fear
I google you
Whenever I’m alone and feeling blue
And each scrap of information
That I gather
says you’ve got somebody new
And it really shouldn’t matter
ought to blow up my computer
but instead….
I google you
Lyrics by Neil Gaiman, performed by Amanda Palmer in a jazz version here.
Untuk teman ber-pathetic ria seperti ini, saya langsung tau harus menghubungi siapa: mantan partner jaman kuliah. Begitu saya kasihtau lirik ini, dia langsung bereaksi sama dengan saya: whoaaa.. gw banget nih!
Btw untuk saya sendiri, kata-kata "google" di lagu ini terkadang bisa disubstitusikan dengan "friendster", "facebook", atau "gmail". Siapa bilang teknologi tidak bisa romantis? :)
Hahahah.. enjoy the song only, not the tragic story! :)
I Google you
late at night when I don’t know what to do
I find photos
you’ve forgotten
you were in
put up by your friends
I Google you
when the day is done and everything is through
I read your journal
that you kept
that month in France
I’ve watched you dance
And I’m pleased your name is practically unique
it’s only you and
a would-be PhD in Chesapeake
who writes papers on
the structure of the sun
I’ve read each one
I know that I
should let you fade
but there’s that box
and there’s your name
somehow it never makes the pain
grow less or fade or disappear
I think that I should save my soul and
I should crawl back in my hole
But it’s too easy just to fold
and type your name again
I fear
I google you
Whenever I’m alone and feeling blue
And each scrap of information
That I gather
says you’ve got somebody new
And it really shouldn’t matter
ought to blow up my computer
but instead….
I google you
Lyrics by Neil Gaiman, performed by Amanda Palmer in a jazz version here.